Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

"Open Days" in military schools this Saturday

Candidates, who are interested in enrolling in one of Belgrade’s military schools, visited today the Military Academy, the Military High School and the “1300 Corporals” Vocational Military High School as part of the “Open Days” campaign. “Open Days” will be held every Saturday in February and March, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
All interested students, accompanied by their parents, had the opportunity to gain first-hand information about these schools’ curricula, accommodation facilities, as well as enrolment competition requirements and procedures.

Boys and girls were welcomed at the Military Academy by Captain Miodrag Živkov, Cadet Brigade platoon commander, who answered all their questions regarding the education and life at the Military Academy. Captain Živkov highlighted the importance of the “Open Days“ campaign, which has now become a tradition.  

- The aim of this campaign is to provide potential candidates with an opportunity to learn from commanding officers and cadets everything they want to know about the education at the Military Academy. Here they can see everything, from the accommodation facilities, to classrooms, to the sports centre and the shooting range. The enrolment competition will be open as of February 15 and all candidates must meet general and specific requirements - said Captain Živkov.

Nikola Malić, a third-year Military Academy cadet majoring in infantry, talked to potential candidates. He invited young people to come to the Military Academy and see all the opportunities it offers.

- I come from a military family. I have always loved the military uniform and weapons, so this has been my only option since early childhood. As Field Marshal Živojin Mišić said, "The state relies on the army, and the army relies on highly specialized command staff, that is, the officers". So, the Military Academy was definitely the only path for me - said Cadet Malić. He told the candidates to visit the Military Academy website for information about the competition criteria, adding that this higher education institution provided free accommodation, books and a scholarship during the studies.
Today, boys and girls saw the rooms in cadet residence halls, the classroom with weapons, engines and motor vehicles displayed, as well as the sports centre.
  The Military Academy has left a favourable impression on Anica Šajkić from Belgrade. She hopes to meet all the requirements of the competition.
- First impressions are really great. This is not the first time I've visited Military Academy’s "Open Days", I was also here last year and I liked a lot of things then. I have wanted to enrol in the Military Academy since I was seven. My grandfather was in the military and he vividly presented this profession to me. I want to fulfil his wish, but also my dream to enrol in the Military Academy - said Anica.
Head of the Military High School, Captain Miroslav Ćitić, said that the school door at 22 Humska Street was open every Saturday from 10 a.m. for all those who wanted to get information related to enrolment in the Military High School and Vocational Military High School. According to Captain Ćitić, a large number of candidates come with their parents to find out what is specific and characteristic of secondary military education, and how it differs from civilian schools.

- The Military High School’s curriculum is in accord with the curriculum of general stream grammar schools in the Republic of Serbia, but it also has a lot of military content, general military subjects. It also includes special forms of training, from swimming classes during the adjustment period, to skiing classes to a number of workshops and extracurricular activities. This is exactly what makes the Military High School special compared to other high schools in the Republic of Serbia - says Captain Ćitić, adding that the residence hall has recently been renovated and that the living and working conditions have been significantly improved.
  David Đorđević, an eighth-grader, has come accompanied by his parents to the residence hall of the Military High School and the Vocational Military High School to get acquainted with the enrolment requirements, as well as the living and working conditions in military schools. His mother, Nataša Đorđević, says that David made a decision to enrol in a military school when he was in his seventh grade.

- His father works in the police and I am a lawyer, no one in our family is in the military, but he opted for this school when he was in his seventh grade. We talked to him and presented some other options, suggested other schools, but he has not changed his decision to this day. He hasn’t even decided on a “second choice” school. We asked about the conditions and achievements of the school, as well as about its future work - said David's mother, adding that they supported their son's decision.
Besides the opportunity to acquire knowledge with the help of the best teachers and commanding officers, Marko Panajotović, a student of the Military High School’s 48th class, highlights the advantages of living in a boarding school.

- This is the place where I can finally show my abilities and potentials. I can express them in the best possible way and the teachers and commanding officers understand me - says Panajotović, adding that this is the right place for all young people who want to become strong, powerful and conscientious people.
This year, the Military Academy will offer admissions to 175 cadets, and the Military Medical Academy’s Medical Faculty to 17 students. The Military High School will admit 75 new general stream students and 30 aviation students, whereas the Vocational Military High School will admit 65 boys and girls.

The competition will be open as of February 15, and all interested candidates will be able to submit their applications until March 31, 2023.
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Captain Miroslav Citic's statement
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Captain Miodrag Zivkov's statement
mp4 (33,5 MB)
Cadet Nikola Malic's statement
mp4 (48,04 MB)
Marko Panajotovic's statement
mp4 (60,37 MB)
Anica Sajkic's statement
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Natasa Djordjevic's statement
mp4 (110,44 MB)
"Open Days" campaign