Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević and General Mojsilović Visit Members of 250th Rocket Brigade on New Year’s Eve

This evening Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović visited members of the 250th AD Rocket Brigade which are part of permanently engaged forces for the control and protection of the sovereignty of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia.

After visiting a rocket battalion armed with FK-3 missile system, which is on duty in the state of combat readiness, Minister Vučević stated that on that day, like all days in the previous 2022, the Serbian Armed Forces performed their activities so that the citizens of Serbia could peacefully welcome the New Year, celebrate New Year’s eve and enjoy with their families and friends.

- Even tonight, units of the Air Force and Air Defence, parts of 250th AD Rocket Brigade are protecting the sky above Serbia with the state-of-the-art and most powerful air defence systems, to the pride of the Serbian Armed Forces and our entire country. This evening, I was assured here, visiting the units in the vicinity of our capital together with the Chief of General Staff General Mojsilović and General Žarković, Air Force and Air Defence Commander, that the Serbian Armed Forces are trained, equipped, capable, brave and determined to protect the sky above Serbia. This is how it will be this evening, and that is how it will be throughout the whole next year - said Minister Vučević and wished all members of the Serbian Armed forces and all citizens of our country a peaceful and prosperous year 2023.

Minister Vučević and General Mojsilović were welcomed by Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković. Commander of 250th Air Defence Rocket Brigade, Brigadier General Tiosav Janković gave report on the use, tasks and distribution of the unit, which was followed by the visit to the rocket battalion FK-3 which is this evening in the system of permanently engaged forces for the control and protection of the airspace.
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The tour
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Minister Vucevic's statement