Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

President Vučić meets with Kosovo and Metohija Serbs in Raška

Tonight, the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić met with the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija at the “Stefan Nemanja” barracks in Raška.
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Miloš Vučević, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković.

After his conversation with the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija, President Vučić said that the barricades would be removed tomorrow morning.
According to him, the conversation they had was not at all easy.

"Tomorrow morning, the removal of barricades will begin; it cannot be done in two hours. Whether in 24 or 48 hours, the barricades will be removed, but distrust stays”, said Vučić.

"We need to talk and try to restore trust. The resistance of the Serbian people has never been better organized", said Vučić, who thinks that today was a good day for our people.

He said that they had had difficult but open talks.
President Vučić read the text handed to him by the Serbs manning the barricades, who, according to him, said that they did not want to go against their country, but they demanded that the self-declared independence of Kosovo never be recognized.  

"The bitter experience of the Serbian people with Kurti’s regime makes it impossible for Serbs to trust the discriminatory Priština institutions. Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija know that they can only count on their country and on you personally. Your word as head of state is the only thing we can rely on. We ask you to give us your word that we will have support in everything that ensues. We have no faith in Kurti and we cannot have any. If the arrests and terror against us continue, we will forever close the north of Kosovo to Priština's discriminatory institutions. Then, we will set up barricades that will never be removed and they will be a border that Priština will never cross. We ask from you a clear confirmation that Kosovo and Metohija will never be recognized, in any shape or form, and that Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia. We are not criminals; we are family people who defend their homes. Your word is the only guarantee for us," said President Vučić.
  According to him, there is nothing we can do but take their word for it that they will prevent such behaviour from Kurti's regime.

"If they fail to do so, the only thing I can tell you, as I have told you tonight, whatever decision you make, whether I agree with it or not, your country and I, personally, will support you. As far as I am concerned, if they start arresting Serbs because of the barricades, whatever you do in consequence, you will have my personal support and the support of the country”, said President Vučić”.  

Source: RTS
mp4 (53,54 MB)
The meeting
mp4 (400,36 MB)
President Vucic's address - part one
mp4 (541,82 MB)
President Vucic's address - part two