Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Four new contracts signed with FAP Corporation

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited the FAP Corporation JSC, Priboj, where he attended the signing of contracts for the production of cargo vehicles for transporting remotely piloted aircraft and for the production of armoured fighting vehicles for the Serbian Armed Forces.
  After the tour of the factory, Minister Vučević thanked the employees for their efforts and emphasized the importance of the new contracts and investment in Priboj's factory.

- We have come today to Priboj and the FAP factory bringing good news. Thanks to the government’s decision, the Ministry of Defence has provided funds for four new big contracts with this company, which has a well-established tradition. Today, four contracts worth 370 million dinars will be signed with FAP, Priboj, and even better news is that next year the Ministry of Defence will provide additional work for FAP Priboj and its subcontractors worth two billion dinars – said Minister Vučević.
  According to the Minister of Defence, the contracts guarantee the creation of new jobs and they are a direct incentive for the municipality of Priboj.

- What Serbia is doing is trying to protect the south-western part of Serbia, to protect our production plants. I would also like to thank my colleagues, all the people at the Ministry of Defence and the defence industry for their efforts to produce domestic weapons and military equipment, so that we do not have to import them, so that we can get the same and even better quality than that offered on the world market for less money - said the minister.
  He said that he was proud of the people who had designed and patented new assets.

- The Ministry of Defence expects FAP to meet the deadlines. An advance payment will be made for the delivery of all these products. We expect FAP Priboj to deliver to the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces what was agreed upon, and thus make sure that the Serbian Armed Forces are even better equipped and better armed - said Vučević.
  Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Krsto Janjušević, General Manager of "FAP Corporation" Milutin Živković, PhD, and Mayor of Priboj Lazar Rvović accompanied Minister Vučević on his tour of the FAP Company and the signing of the contracts.
mp4 (59,68 MB)
The tour
mp4 (86,1 MB)
Minister Vucevic's statement