Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting between Minister Vučević and JFC Naples Commander, Admiral Munsch

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević met today with the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples, Admiral Stuart Munsch, during the latter’s visit to the Republic of Serbia. The meeting discussed the current political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the relationship with KFOR and cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and NATO.
  Minister Vučević described Serbia’s partnership with NATO as multi-layered and diverse, and cooperation with JFC Naples as particularly important. According to him, the Republic of Serbia is fully committed to military neutrality, but also to establishing good relations with all key actors of international politics in order to create the best possible partnerships.
Within the context of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Minister Vučević said that the Republic of Serbia did not want an escalation of the conflict and that it was committed to addressing all issues peacefully, through dialogue. He particularly emphasized the importance of strict adherence to UN SC Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement.
  According to Minister Vučević, our side remains firm on its position that KFOR is the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija and therefore has the most responsibility for maintaining peace and security in the southern Serbian province.

Admiral Stuart Munsch commended NATO's close partnership with Serbia, stressing that Serbia was a reliable partner and that NATO fully respected Serbia’s policy of military neutrality.
  "We will continue to develop our long-term partnership with Serbia, based on political dialogue and practical cooperation. We believe that this framework contributes to strengthening the mutually beneficial relationship between NATO and Serbia, and achieving greater stability throughout the region," said the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples.
mp4 (40,33 MB)
The meeting