Minister of Defence Extends Greetings on Military Veterans’ Day
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević extended a greeting message on the occasion of 4th December - Military Veterans’ Day which reads:
“I extend my cordial greetings to all military veterans on the occasion of 4th December - Military Veterans’ Day.
Cherishing traditions of old warriors of the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia, you have demonstrated in the best possible manner that the memory of our ancestors and the history that we have are our pride, not the shame, and that they must not be forgotten.
On this day, precisely 110 years ago, a truce has been signed in the First Balkan War between allies on one side, and the Ottoman Empire, the defeated one, on the other. Then, the care of the veterans and meeting their requirements was entrusted to the Ministry of Military of the Government of the Kingdom of Serbia for which the veterans were of vital importance as the fighters of the wars that ensued and in which they participated.
United, they proved that everything can be achieved with courage and persistence, and they managed to defend human dignity and the right to free life of citizens in their own country, having preserved the national identity and continuity of the statehood of the Serbian people and military, led by the faith in the liberation of Serbia.
Hoping that we will never be compelled to take arms to defend our fatherland against enemies, I bow my head to the shadows of those who are no longer here, and I express eternal gratitude to all the veterans for the sacrifice they made with a promise that they were not in vain. Their spirit will live forever through descendants.
I wish you a happy holiday!”