Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Mile Jelic, State Secretary

Phone: +381 11 3203 159
Fax: +381 11 3005 570

Date and place of birth: August 12, 1964, Treskavac, Ključ

  • General Staff Course, National Defence School, 2003
  • Command and Staff Course, National Defence School, 2000
  • Military Academy, Army, Armoured Units Major, 1987
  • "Bratstvo - Jedinstvo“ Military High School, Belgrade, 1983
Duties to date:
  • Director – Chief Inspector, Defence Inspectorate, Ministry of Defence
  • Head of Personnel Department, Human Resources Sector, Ministry of Defence
  • Commander, Serbian State Border Security Force
  • Commander, 3rd Army Brigade
  • Head of National Defence School
  • Head of Operations Strategy Department, National Defence School
  • Head of Tactics Department, National Defence School
  • Head of Tactics Division, Army Tactics Department, National Defence School
  • Head of Army Tactics Section, Army Tactics Department, National Defence School
  • Commander, 252nd Armoured Brigade
  • Acting Commander, 36th Armoured Brigade
  • Chief of Brigade Staff
  • Chief of Subsection for Operational and Educational Affairs in the Brigade Staff
  • Battalion commander
  • Assistant commander for morals and education
  • Company commander
  • Platoon leader
  • Military Memorial Medal for Participation in Defence Against NATO Aggression
  • Military Memorial Medal for 30 Years of Diligent Service
  • Military Memorial Medal for Contribution to the Defence System
  • Gold Medal for Merit
  • Military Memorial Medal for Participation in Combat Operations in SFRY
  • Military Memorial Medal for Participation in Combat Operations in FRY
  • Military Memorial to Mark Serbian Armed Forces Jubilees (Serbian Armed Forces Day)
  • Military Memorial to Mark Serbian Armed Forces Jubilees (“Korak Pobednika” Military Parade)
  • Military Memorial Medal for Exceptional Results Achieved as an Officer – 1st awarded
  • Order of  Merit in the Field of Security and Defence, 3rd Class
  • Memorial Medal 50 Years of YPA
Marital status:
  • Married, father of two