International CIMIC Course
Over the next two weeks, an international CIMIC course, hosted by the CIMIC Department (J-9), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, will be held in Kruševac.
The course participants are officers and NCOs from the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, United States, Netherlands and Montenegro, who perform CIMIC roles at tactical level, as well as representatives of Serbian civilian institutions.
The training in our country will be an opportunity for them to learn more about the activities performed by civilian organizations in the areas of UN and EU multinational operations and to acquire practical skills for performing different roles in CIMIC teams and units in the field.
Practical and theoretical training will be delivered by a combined team of instructors from the SAF, armed forces of Italy, U.S., Netherlands as well as visiting lecturers from the MOI Sector for Emergency Management, Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations, and Red Cross of Serbia.
The opening ceremony for the course, held at “Car Lazar” Barracks in Kruševac today, was attended by representatives of SAF units, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the U.S Embassy.