Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

National Day of Spain marked

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended the celebration of the National Day of Spain held in Belgrade today. On this occasion, the Ambassador of Spain to Serbia, H.E. Raul Bartalome Molina, said that Spain and Serbia were friendly countries, and that this year had been very significant for the development of friendship between the two countries.
- The very fruitful visit of President Aleksandar Vučić to Madrid in February paved the way for the official visit of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to Belgrade in July. For the first time, a Spanish Prime Minister visited the Republic of Serbia and demonstrated the excellence of our bilateral relations - Ambassador Molina said.

During those visits, two clear messages were emphasized, he said.
- The first one is that we support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council. In this regard, we believe that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is possible only through dialogue with full respect for the principles of international law. The second message is that we firmly stand by Serbia on its European path. We are certain that Serbia will be a precious member of the European family. Membership in the European Union is the only right future for Serbia and the greatest contribution to political stability and economic prosperity in the entire Balkan region. Therefore, Spain supports and will continue to support Serbia’s efforts to carry out necessary reforms, including the harmonization with the foreign and security policy of the European Union – said the Spanish ambassador.

He also said that the friendship between Spain and Serbia was getting firmer and firmer and expressed conviction that, despite the challenges ahead of us, the best was yet to come.