Minister Stefanović: The Vučić’s path is the only right and honourable path for Serbia
Statement of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD
“In difficult historic situations, important decisions were always made by strong figures, statesmen with a vision of what the best thing was for the people they led. Their duty was to see well into the future, and know what the decisions made one day would bring the following day. That is the ability that history remembers great statesmen by, but it also remembers those who took care of others rather than their own country.

Winston Churchill is remembered as one of the greatest British and world statesmen because, among other things, he “went against the grain” in the most difficult times for his country, and he was strong enough to resist the pressure and pursue his vision of the fight for freedom and independence of his country under the surge of the Nazism. He suffered pressure from all sides, both outside, and inside his country, even from his own government, to start negotiations with Hitler and try to propitiate him not to devastate Britain. When in 1940 he succeeded Neville Chamberlain as the prime minister, he remained alone, only having his unwavering vision of freedom and democracy, which, despite everyone around him, he was keen on defending at any cost. That is why history remembers him as a person who determined the faith of both Britain and entire Europe in their most challenging days.
Today, Serbia as well finds itself in a challenging historical moment. The pressure exerted on it are immense, the greatest since 1999, when it was unjustly, and illegally bombarded for entire three months. The pressure is even greater than that exerted when Kosovo Albanians illegally and violently proclaimed independence, and received immediate international recognition by the most powerful states of the West.
All that pressure is directed towards one point, and that is why it has never been stronger. They want Serbia to make “easy” decisions. They want it to recognise the so-called Kosovo and impose sanctions on Russia. They say: “That is your only way out, the only solution for your future”. It’s a piece of cake; do that and all doors will be open to you. It is possible that in some different reapportionment, Serbia would make such decisions because those decisions are “easy”. There are politicians even today, not only in the opposition, who request that we follow that path, to lift that burden from our shoulders. The very thought of what would remain of our country if they really were in a position to make that decision strikes the fear into one’s heart. Our Serbia and our people would fall victim to moral invertebrates who cannot cope with the pressure, who do not know their duty and the value of the sacred thing they defend.
Luckily, there is no room for such fears. President Aleksandar Vučić convinced us countless times that Serbia led by him has but one goal and one interest, and that is Serbia and no one else. He has convinced us, and entire world, the last time in the United Nations, with his historical speech which is shoulder to shoulder with the greatest world leaders’ speeches given since the establishment of the UN. Somebody had to remind the whole world that it has forgotten the foundations on which peace and mutual respect rest, and those are the principles of the international law, written down in the UN Charter. Someone had to remind them that they cannot choose whose sovereignty they will support, and whose not, and that there must be consequences if they encourage and later recognise the illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija, but express condemnation when the same happens in some other country. This historical lesson on the law, justice and being principled in international relations will remain remembered for a long time, and we in Serbia should be proud that it was no other but our president that taught it.
The pressure on Serbia will not get any lesser because of it, quite the contrary. It will become even stronger, and they will insist even harder on us opting for the “easy” solution. But there also lies a problem for all those who demand from Serbia to follow that path. Serbia is headed by a man who knows all too well how many traps hide behind every “easy” solution and decision, and he knows even better that such solutions bring no benefits to Serbia and its people. Behind the policy of President Vučić and his decisions there are solely Serbia and its future, nothing more. That is a difficult, the hardest path, but it is the only right path, and it is only that path that can preserve Serbia as a strong and free country. Everything else is the road with no return, where someone else will make decisions for Serbia, and someone else will tell us what the best thing is for us and our children. Serbia shall not allow that, President Vučić will not allow it, and that is the only reason why he himself and our entire country are under unprecedented pressure which we have not seen for decades.
That is why President Vučić must have our undivided support for the policy that he pursues, and he must not stand alone, like Churchill was in the hour most difficult for his country. There is no excuse to seek some other policy, which would follow an easier path and where decisions would be easy to make. Many in the world do not like the path that Serbia follows, and there are people in Serbia too who would gladly change it, but that has nothing to do with Serbia and its interests. On the contrary, it has to do with the interests of someone else, who does not wish good for this country and its citizens. Our people have many names for such people, but it remembers them for one thing alone, for their shame.
As someone who has the privilege to closely and for a long time observe and follow the policy of President Vučić, I am obliged to ask from everyone not to spare their strength or their energy and support that policy and all decisions that Serbia and its President will make in the future. I will do that all the time, persistently and without any reserve, just like I have done so far, as a citizen, comrade and friend, and, above all, as one of many who knows very well that the path that we are on with President Vučić is the only right, beneficial and honourable path for Serbia”.