Course on Information Operations Starts
The Course on Information Operations, with the participation of members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, started today in the Central Military Club in Belgrade. The Course is organised by the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence and Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

Addressing the audience at the opening of the Course, Head of Public Relations Department Colonel Mihailo Zogović PhD expressed his gratitude to Chief of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade General Antonello Zanitti and visiting lecturers from the Allied Joint Force Command Naples for their engagement in the preparation and organisation of the course, and he stressed that gaining new knowledge in the field of information operations is important for the enhancement of capabilities of the Course attenders.
Colonel Zogović underlined that the realisation of educational activities contributes to further strengthening of cooperation within the Partnership for Peace programme and he wished successful work to the attenders of the course and the lectures.

Chief of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade General Antonello Zanitti expressed his great satisfaction with the realisation of the Course on information operations, emphasising that the cooperation between Serbia and NATO is reflected in the organisation of such activities as well.

- We appreciate and support the military neutrality of Serbia. The cooperation between Serbia and NATO is extremely strong and fruitful, and the activity that is starting today, certainly is one of the examples of our successful cooperation - General Zanitti said.

The Course on Information Operations is going to last for four days and it is an opportunity for the participants to enhance the knowledge and skills in that area.


Course on Information Operations