49th Symposium on Operational Research
Scientific and research personnel of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces participated in the 49th Symposium on operational research “SYM-OP-IS 2022”, held from 19th to 22th September 2022, in Vrnjačka Banja, and organised by the Faculty of Economy of the University of Belgrade.
Out of 93 papers and 23 abstracts accepted for this year’s Symposium, members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces have prepared and published 13 papers and three abstracts. The papers were presented by sections: “Application of operational research in defence”, “Geo information systems”, “Simulations and stochastic models” and “Finances and banking”.

Members of the Ministry of Defence managed the work of sections: “Application of operational research in defence” and “Geo information systems”.
Apart from the authors of the papers, the gathering was attended by Assistant Minister of Defence for Defence Policy Bredrag Bandić and Head of Division for Scientific and Research and Innovation Activities of Department for Strategic Planning Colonel Vladimir Grbić.
The Ministry of Defence is going to be the organiser of the next 50th Symposium.