Minister Stefanović on blatant lies, threats and attacks
Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:
“You can expect nothing else from the media owned by Dragan Šolak and their paid commentators, but lies and political attacks on the government of Serbia, especially on President Aleksandar Vučić, and this deserves no reaction, but rather contempt. But I cannot remain silent when their usual "experts" on all possible issues, such as Boban Stojanović, calmly and without any arguments, let alone evidence, threaten me with prison and the most severe sentence.

There is not a grain of truth in anything Boban Stojanović has said on N1, and I am not the only one who says that, reality has proved him wrong countless times. Unfortunately, they do not see a problem in this, because they have only one goal - to slander Serbia, its president and all his associates as maliciously and as often as possible. Their goal is political, and they are not interested in the truth. That is why I will not allow them to present themselves as something they are not and say and broadcast monstrous lies and threats without any response."