Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Telecommunication Service Day and Signal Brigade Day marked

The Telecommunication Service Day and Signal Brigade Day were marked in SAF commands and units in memory of September 20, 1916, when the Decree on the Military Telegraph was passed laying the foundations for organizing the signal corps in the Serbian army.
  On this occasion, results achieved in the recent period were summarized, congratulations messages were read and awards and commendations were presented to the most distinguished individuals. The ceremony was held in the Banjica Barracks, Belgrade, featuring a parade of the Signal Brigade units and showcasing the latest telecommunications devices and systems owned by this unit.
During the review of the achieved results, an emphasis was placed on the significant contribution of the Telecommunication Service members to a successful execution of SAF missions by ensuring the continuous functioning of the telecommunication and information system in a professional and responsible manner, and expectation was expressed that modernization and further strengthening of the service would continue.