Minister Stefanović: Support President Vučić, because it is the struggle of all of us
Statement of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD:
“Serbia has always been on the crossroads, and in these parts the interest of great powers intertwined throughout our history, and the struggle for an independent and autonomous Serbia and for making decisions solely in the interest of our people has never been easy. It is the same today. The growing crisis related to our basic living needs, from food to energy sources, that the entire world faces, along with ever more obvious conflicts of interests of the great powers, make this situation even more complex, and the struggle for the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija extremely hard.

However, in these challenging times, when pressure is exerted on our country, Serbia is led by a man who equally cares for the preservation of peace and stability in our country and for the preservation of the Serbian people in our southern province. Serbia is led by Aleksandar Vučić, who knows that there cannot be one without the other.
It is a man who will not play a hero on the streets of Belgrade, telling big empty tales, because he knows that it will not ensure peaceful sleep of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, but he is a man who is a sufficiently strong leader, who will not allow new pogroms of the Serbs, a man with whom the great powers talk, and respect the positions and decisions of Serbia even when they do not like them.
He is a leader who does not promise the sun and the moon by rubbing a magic lamp, but he makes tough decisions that result in new motorways, hospitals, schools, factories, the strong Armed Forces of Serbia, higher salaries and pensions and ever more economically strong Serbia. He is a statesman whose visits to the region are directed towards developing cooperation and progress of all, but with obligatory wellbeing and respect for our people. He is a man who works tirelessly, who seeks and finds solutions even for the problems that he inherited from the others, and for the crisis not caused by Serbia.
It is our obligation to render the greatest possible support to him, even in these difficult times as he fights for our Serbia to remain on its charted path, the only one that can bring the safe present and the continuation of building the future in which our children will be born and live in peace and abundance in all parts of Serbia. That is why, today, in the eve of the President’s address at the National Assembly, it is important to remind everyone in Serbia of the significance of unity in this struggle, because this is the struggle of all of us.”