Beginning of new academic year in secondary military schools
A ceremony to mark the beginning of a new academic year has been held today in the Military Grammar School’s Hall of Residence.
Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Srđan Blagojević, PhD, wished all the students and employees a happy new academic year, and addressed the youngest class of Military Grammar School students.

Colonel Blagojević told older classes that the Military Academy was eagerly awaiting them, and he advised the employees to be the support for their students on their path and to help them overcome all obstacles and reach the goal together.

– Do not forget that you have the honour and privilege of being taught by the best secondary school teaching staff in the country – Captain Ćitić said.

- I want to tell you that, besides education and upbringing that these schools will give you, habits acquired here are also important. They will be an additional tool for you, helping you to perform tasks in the most efficient and effective way in the future. You must be absolutely dedicated and responsible at all times - said Commander Miljković.