New issue of “ODBRANA”
After a review of the most important activities at the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, we recommend to you an INTERVIEW with Colonel Branko S. Mišić, Head of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies. Our interlocutor talks about this organizational unit of the "Vojvoda Radomir Putnik" National Defence School, University of Defence, which is the fourth and highest level of professional training for officers, top officials at the Government ministries and agencies and the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, and foreign students of equal rank.
The STANDING POINT section is dedicated to the current topic of cyber security. In the history of warfare, one of the most important goals has been to achieve the maximum effect with minimal losses, and the cyber world ensures exactly that, saving manpower and material resources.
The ARSENAL section is dedicated to the use of drones in modern warfare, and the GLOBAL section contains a text about the political legacy of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (1954–2022). He was the longest-serving prime minister in modern Japanese history, leading the country through turbulent geopolitical changes. His most significant political legacy is the “Indo-Pacific” concept, and after his visit to Serbia in 2018, Japan did not vote for the admission of the so-called Republic of Kosovo to UNESCO.
This time, we have dedicated he OCCASIONS section to the recently deceased Major General Božidar Delić (1956–2022), and provided for our readers an excerpt from his testimony for the "Warrior" edition about the 1999 Battle of Paštrik.
On the occasion of the Military Museum Day and the 144th anniversary of its foundation, the CULTURE section includes a text about the recently opened exhibition "Fixed Round Pistols and Revolvers” from the Military Museum’s collection of factory weapons before 1918.
The TRADITION section is dedicated to a Balkan Wars hero - General Božidar Janković, commander of the famous Serbian Third Army, which liberated Kosovo and Metohija in the 1912/1913 wars, fought to liberate Serbia from Ottoman rule.
The HISTORY section looks back at the scale and consequences of Operation Storm. It also contains a feature story dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Operation Corridor 92. It was a military operation conducted by Serbian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina that created Republika Srpska. In terms of the number of troops, duration, intensity of the battles and results achieved, it is one of the largest military operations conducted on the territory of Yugoslavia in the nineties. Serbian forces suffered substantial casualties in Operation Corridor 92 - 413 killed and 1,505 wounded.
There are many reasons why you should get you own copy of “Odbrana” in time.