Minister Stefanović presents awards to students of military schools for results achieved
Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has spoken to Military Academy cadet Stefan Jančić and students attending the Secondary Vocational Military School Luka Milošević and Jovana Stanković, who achieved notable results at international and national competitions in the past two weeks. “Stefan, Luka and Jovana testify to the fact that great effort always brings good results! The results they have achieved over the past two weeks are – first place at the “European Sloshing Rocket Workshop 2022” competition held in Spain, with their "Aurora 3" rocket project beating 42 teams from all over the world, but also three medals and a champion title in a team competition at the Serbian Junior Small-Bore Shooting Championship. I have presented rewards to these great young people as a sign of encouragement and support," Minister Stefanović wrote on his Instagram profile (@nebojsastefanović). Congratulating them on their achievements, the Minister presented the cadet and students with the Ministry of Defence coat of arms and rewarded them with a vacation in one of the military rest and recreation facilities on Tara Mountain. The three young students of military schools told the Minister their impressions of the competitions in which they had achieved success. They also talked to him and the Rector of the Defence University, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, PhD, about their plans for the future and the competitions that lie ahead. Among other things, Jančić acquainted the Minister with the UAV projects that he would compete with in the upcoming competitions, whereas the young shooters outlined their plans regarding the choice of majors at the Military Academy. Stefan Jančić, a fourth-year Military Academy cadet majoring in military engineering, along with his colleagues attending the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, took first place with "Aurora 3" rocket project at the recently held prestigious European competition. Luka Milošević, a third-year student at the Secondary Vocational Military School, won two gold and one silver medal at the recently held Serbian Championship, and became Serbia’s first champion in the standard pistol discipline, which was included in the competition programme for the first time this year. At the same competition, Jovana Stanković, a first-year student at the Secondary Vocational Military School, won the junior women's 25m sport pistol competition, along with her teammates, becoming the champion team of Serbia.