Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Serbia is proud of being the homeland of Živojin Mišić

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has reminded that Živojin Mišić, the Serbian general who made world history as a courageous and skilful military leader, was born on this day 167 years ago in Struganik near Mionica. “He spent more than 40 years in an officer's uniform, fighting for the Serbian people with invincible courage, and that is why he is still a role model for Serbian soldiers who want to serve their homeland faithfully," said Minister Stefanović.
  "He took part in all six liberation wars that Serbia fought from 1876 to 1918. In each of them, he showed outstanding courage and perseverance, and the famous Battle of Kolubara, in which he commanded the First Serbian Army, became known in the history of warfare as a unique example of an army, expected to collapse, reorganizing itself in a short time, launching a counteroffensive and decisively defeating the enemy. His tactics of regrouping the army and launching a concentrated attack are still studied today at military academies around the world," Minister Stefanović reminded.

He added that Serbia must never forget that it had given birth to a soldier like Živojin Mišić.

"His name became well-known far beyond the borders of our homeland, spreading the legend about the fight of the small but fearless Serbian people for their freedom. Many countries would like to have been the homeland of Živojin Mišić, but it was Serbia, which must be even more proud of its heroes and its history. Serbia must remember who won its freedom and it must do its best to retain the hard-won freedom and peace today. We owe it to Mišić and all our ancestors, and we owe it to our children and future generations," said the Minister.