Class of June 2022 undergoes individual training evaluation
This week, individual training evaluation has been carried out for soldiers who have been performing their voluntary military service as of June this year. The evaluation took place in the Serbian Armed Forces basic training centres in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac. Over the past six weeks, they received theoretical and practical training in handling different types of infantry weapons, they learned how to carry out tactical actions and successfully passed the physical fitness test.
On the first day of the final exams, the soldiers solved problems covered in tactical training, and on the second day, they demonstrated their knowledge and skills in using weapons and military equipment, the knowledge of the manual of arms and the Serbian Armed Forces’ Rules of Service. This is another class of soldiers who have achieved very good and excellent results, thus showing that they are ready for the next training phase that awaits them after their transfer to specialist training centres. In these centres, they will be trained for specialties within their branches and services, and afterwards, they will be assigned to units of the Serbian Armed Forces until the end of their military service.