Minister of Defence extends Kurban Bayram greetings
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, extended Kurban Bayram greetings to Muslim members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in a message which reads as follows:
“I extend my cordial greetings to all Muslim members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces who celebrate the great Islamic holiday of Kurban Bayram.
May this holiday bring joy, happiness and well-being to your homes, and be an inspiration to us to continue protecting our Serbia and its paths of peace, stability and prosperity, united as true friends, with mutual appreciation and respect.
Bayram Sherif Mubarek Olsun!”
Minister Stefanović has also sent greetings to Reis ul-Ulema of the Islamic Community of Serbia Sead Effendi Nasufović, President of the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Community of Serbia Muhamed Effendi Jusufspahić, Belgrade Mufti and the Chief Military Imam of the Serbian Armed Forces, Major Mustafa Jusufspahić and all believers of the Islamic Community of Serbia.
“On behalf of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and me personally, I extend my cordial greetings to all the clerics and all believers of the Islamic Community of Serbia on Kurban Bayram, wishing that you spend the holiday filled with joy, peace, family togetherness and well-being.
May the joys of this great holiday fill our hearts, and inspire us to work in unity, by doing good deeds, for the better future of our Serbia rejoicing together at its every success.
Bayram Sherif Mubarek Olsun!”