Selective Training for Candidates to be Admitted to 63rd Parachute Brigade
This week, at the military airfield “Sergeant-Pilot Mihajlo Petrović” in Niš, selective training has started for candidates to be admitted to 63rd Parachute Brigade,
The candidates are professional officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Serbian Armed Forces and civilians who have applied for the competition for the admission to this unit.

The general objective of the selective training is to choose highly motivated and psychologically and physically capable candidates for the admission to the unit, and to include them into further training process. The specific objective is to test and raise the level of military specialist competence, physical capabilities, sense of leadership, and to develop team spirit and capabilities for the execution of tasks in conditions of heightened psychological and physical strain.

Throughout the demanding training, the candidates will be observed and tested in order to determine their competence, psychological and physical endurance, capability to perform tasks individually and as part of a team, and for the purpose of producing a psychological profile so that only the best get to be selected for the work in this brigade.
At the end of the selective training, the candidates will have a week-long evaluation, after which they will be ranked on the basis of the achieved results, and the most successful ones will be allowed to join the elite ranks of members of 63rd Parachute Brigade.