Evaluation of Soldiers’ Specialist Skills
This week, the Army Training Centre in Požarevac, carried out an evaluation of competence of the soldiers on voluntary military service of the intake “March 2022” whose first phase of training lasts four months.

The evaluation was conducted for the scouts and gunners of tank M-84 and infantry fighting vehicle M-80A, whose individual training lasts a month longer due to the complexity of the duties for which they are trained.
Apart from those, the evaluation of competence set various tactical tasks whose successful performance demanded the application of the knowledge and skills acquired during ten-week long specialised training.

Successful completion of the evaluation is the result of the dedication and zeal of the soldiers demonstrated during their training, and a high quality of training carried out by instructors from the Army Training centre. After this, the scouts and gunners will undergo collective training in Serbian Armed Forces units, where they will have the opportunity to upgrade acquired knowledge and to actively participate in the execution of daily tasks.