Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

SAF contingent rotation in Lebanon

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces, who have been deployed with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) since December last year, have returned today to the Republic of Serbia following a successful participation in this peacekeeping operation.
  The SAF Contingent, which has been engaged in UNIFIL’s Sector East for the past seven months, is composed of a 2nd Army Brigade infantry company, staff officers and members of the national support element. They have completed all assignments in the mission in a professional and responsible manner, confirming the reputation of the Serbian soldier and Serbian Armed Forces in the best possible way in a multinational environment.
They will be replaced in this Middle Eastern country and their positions filled by SAF members who have departed today to the area of operations and who will be performing responsible peacekeeping tasks over the next six months.
  The Serbian Armed Forces have been participating in UNIFIL since 2010 when they deployed five staff officers. There has been a considerable increase in the number of SAF personnel deployed on this mission ever since. Currently, apart from the forces in Sector East, SAF also deploy a force protection platoon as part of the Italian contingent in Sector West.