Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Send-off ceremony for SAF contingent departing to UNIFIL

A send-off ceremony was held today in the “Knjaz Mihailo” barracks in Niš for the SAF contingent departing to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
  The ceremony was attended by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, who expressed his confidence that this SAF contingent, like its predecessors, would successfully complete all its assignments in the mission, as befits a Serbian soldier, and thus represent our country in a multinational environment in the best possible way.
The Serbian contingent, which will be part of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for the next six months, is composed of a Third Army Brigade infantry company, staff officers and a national support element. By performing responsible tasks in Sector East, they will contribute to maintaining peace in this Middle Eastern country.
  The Serbian Armed Forces have started participating in UNIFIL in 2010 deploying five staff officers. Since then, the number of SAF members participating in this mission has considerably increased. Besides SAF troops that are engaged in Sector East, a Serbian force protection platoon is engaged in Sector West, as part of the Italian contingent.