Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting between Minister Stefanović and Vice President of Equatorial Guinea Mangue

Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has met today with Vice President of Equatorial Guinea in charge of defence and national security Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, who is paying an official visit to Serbia.
During today's meeting, a Defence Cooperation Agreement was signed between Serbia and Equatorial Guinea, which, according to Minister Stefanović and Vice President Mangue, is a sound basis for cooperation and helps improve overall relations between the two countries.
  According to the Minister, our two countries have fostered friendly relations for decades, despite being geographically distant. He thanked Equatorial Guinea for not recognizing the so-called Kosovo and for its unwavering support for Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Vice President Mangue has stressed that Equatorial Guinea considers Serbia an important partner and is committed to promoting cooperation in all important areas, such as defence, agriculture, construction and education. He has also thanked Serbia for donating Covid vaccines.
mp4 (81,77 MB)
The signing of the agreement