Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Statement by Minister Stefanović regarding attacks on Serbia and President Vučić

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:

"The conflict in Ukraine has been going on for more than a hundred days. Serbia has absolutely nothing to do with it and it has taken a very clear position on that matter. All the while, the propaganda attacks on Serbia and President Vučić have been taking place with equal intensity, coming from both the country’s opposition and the region. No one wonders any more why this is happening or why so much hysteria is directed at Serbia - it is too obvious.
  This weekend, my son participated in his first kindergarten performance alongside his little friends. Among other things, they performed a song for us. The lyrics were written by Sloba Stanišić, and the song was composed and sung by Minja Subota. The lyrics read "it cannot be bought, it cannot be sold, your heart fills up with happiness, its name is freedom". And that is true. If you don't have a freedom-loving spirit – you will never have it. However, Serbia and its people have always had it.
Throughout history, we have paid dearly for our freedom, but we have persevered in our struggle for it. Being aware of its price, we jealously guard it and teach our children from an early age how great and important it is. Today, Serbia retains its right to choose its path, to make independent decisions that are exclusively in the interest of its people, and it refuses to be a pawn in other people’s pursuit of their interests.

And that is why Serbia suffers propaganda attacks from all those who do not like an independent and free Serbia, all those who strive to fulfil their interests in that way.

From the opposition, which, after its fiasco in the election in its own country, is fawning on various people in the world, some by promising to impose sanctions on Russia, others by promising to leave the path of EU integration, to certain circles in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Pristina who claim that we need to suffer a blow from which we will not recover, to Bildt and other analysts of the world who would like to "discipline" us.

They are all bothered by the policy of freedom pursued by Serbia. A policy based on some of the essential values ​​of the European Union - the right of every nation to make decisions in its own interest, as long as it does not threaten others. And Serbia wants to be a full member of the EU. In addition, Serbia wants the territorial integrity of all countries to be respected, without exception. It protects its own territory and does not threaten others’. Serbia has no more daughters and sons to sacrifice, particularly not for other nations’ interests. Because freedom is freedom and there is no compromise."