Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović hands over apartment keys to members of security forces in Novi Sad

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has handed over apartment keys to the first group of members of security forces, out of a total of 438, who will move into their new flats located in Novi Sad’s neighbourhood of Jugovićevo in the coming days. According to him, Serbia, led by President Vučić, is no longer dreaming big dreams, but is living them out and Serbia no longer makes promises, but fulfils them, as evidenced by the frequency of events like this.
  - Recently, I read a sentence about our military. Describing the creation of the Serbian soldier, our author, Dejan Stojiljković, says: "the Serbian soldier primarily wanted to take care of his family, but his larger family - the state and the people, demanded that he be at their service“. That sentence perfectly describes the essence of our soldier. By soldier, I also mean a police officer, a member of the Security Information Agency, a bailiff, all the people working at the security system. Things haven’t changed much since then. These people, who are getting apartments today, are always on duty, regardless of whether it is day or night, sun, rain or snow, regardless of the situation. They are always there for their families, but also for their other, larger family – Serbia, said Minister Stefanović.
He referred to the life and heroic deeds of Lieutenant General Ljubiša Veličković.
- On June 1, 1999, during the NATO aggression, he lost his life as a high-ranking officer of our armed forces, one of the generals who performed all command duties in the Yugoslav Air Force, who was ready to sacrifice his own life to protect his homeland and who died on the front line. I am saying this because each of the people who are getting a flat today is ready to protect their country with their lives. And we must never forget that, just as President Vučić did not forget that when he launched this project, the project that should solve their housing issue and the life issues of their families - said Minister Stefanović.
The Minister of Defence has had the opportunity to talk to a little girl called Olga today, who is there with her dad. He said he was happy that she was looking forward to her own room and her own apartment.

- The smile on this child’s face, the smiles on these peoples’ faces are proof that the decision to start this project was right. It is important that the government has paid attention to these people and shown that we are grateful for all the sleepless nights and sacrifices that they and their families have endured. This is no longer a story about numbers, about bricks, or stone, or asphalt, although they are not insignificant, this is a story about people. I want to thank the mayor of Novi Sad, because the City of Novi Sad, as you can see, invests in modern street furniture and you can see that each of these new apartment complexes is slowly becoming a modern housing estate, where schools and kindergartens will soon be built, and this will soon become a residential area where children will be able to spend their best moments and where families will be able to really enjoy - said Minister Stefanović.
He thanked all the investors and all the people at the Ministry who worked hard to get the work done on time.
- Today's Serbia, led by President Vučić, no longer dreams big dreams, we are living them out. We do not make promises, we work and fulfil our promises, as evidenced by the frequency of events like this. Once again, congratulations to everyone, I wish you lots of happiness in your new apartments and thank you for everything you are doing for Serbia - said Minister Stefanović.

Fifty-five members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and their families and more than 380 members of other security forces will move into three new apartment buildings in Jugovićevo. Alongside Minister Stefanović, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović, Minister of Justice Maja Popović, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Darija Kisić, Head of the Security Information Agency Bratislav Gašić, State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Bojan Jocić and the Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, also handed over apartment keys to members of the security forces today.

According to Minister Momirović, this is a large and ambitious project initiated by the President of the Republic with the aim of resolving the housing issues of members of the security forces.
- We have somehow managed, if not to solve, then at least to point the way and start solving what used to pose a major problem for the people who have decided to defend this country with their lives - said Minister Momirović.

According to Minister of Justice Maja Popović, this is a way for the Republic of Serbia to thank all those working in the security sector.

- To those who make sacrifices by putting their lives at risk and putting their work before their families. It is important to emphasize that the Republic of Serbia has shown them with this project that it cares for them, and has contributed to strengthening the security sector - said Minister Popović.

Minister Kisić said she was always extremely proud of such events, because the moment when one takes the key to their own apartment or a new home is one of the most important moments in everyone’s life.
- I am very proud of the fact that we live in a country that cares about the people who are responsible for our safety and security and helps them solve one of the most important life issues - said Minister Kisić.

Mayor Vučević said that thanks to the joint effort of the republic and local authorities, Jugovićevo, a part of the city that had once been completely neglected, was now one of the most modern neighbourhoods.

- This is a sign of gratitude to all members of the armed forces, police, security and information agencies, bailiffs and all those who are entitled to apply for these flats. I am really happy and proud of what this part of the city looks like today - said Mayor Vučević.
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The ceremony
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Minister Stefanovic's address