Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović and Ambassador Hill at US Donation Handover to MMC “Karaburma”

Today, at the Military Medical Centre “Karaburma”, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD and US Ambassador Christopher Hill attended a ceremony of handing over medical equipment donated to that military health institution by the United States of America.
Minister Stefanović expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Hill for the donation that consists of a 64-slice scanner and a mobile X-ray machine, stressing how important it is that our soldiers are always taken care of in the best possible manner, and that they know that the military healthcare system takes care of them at every moment. The minister also reminded that now, the military healthcare system takes care of all other citizens of Serbia as well.
- I would like to thank Ambassador Hill and the United States of America for the excellent cooperation that we have been having in all the years behind us. In last decade or so, the entire sector of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces received donations exceeding 47 million dollars, and the occasion for today’s gathering is also a nice thing, and that is the donation of a multi-slice scanner and an X-ray machine which are going to be given to the Covid hospital in Karaburma. We hope that once the Covid is behind us and hopefully it will happen soon, these diagnostic devices will be a beginning of the establishment of a military hospital, in its full capacity, with intended organisation and procurement of new devices – Minister Stefanović said.
He also expressed gratitude for the support rendered by the United States of America to the military healthcare system in Serbia over the last ten years.
- Those were significant investments both in material and equipment, and in training of our personnel. The strategic partnership that we have is something that we wish to develop in the future as well. We find it very important that our soldiers are always taken care of in the best possible manner, and that they know that the military healthcare system takes care of them at every moment, and as you know, today, the military healthcare system takes care of all other citizens of Serbia as well. Our Military Medical Academy and our Centres are open to all citizens of Serbia 24 hours a day. We are ready provide them with any assistance possible, doing so with vast knowledge, immense experience and all the doctors and medical staff employed there, and I believe that we have showed how successful we they are at saving lives – Minister Stefanović stated.
The minister of defence also thanked the medical staff and doctors of the MMC “Karaburma” for everything that they have done for the citizens of our country.
- I would like, once again, to thank all the people who worked and are still working today, here in this Military Medical Centre “Karaburma”, who saved lives in the most difficult moments of Covid not thinking about themselves, and I would like to thank all the people from the military healthcare system, who are dedicated to each patient, who proudly represent Serbia everywhere in the world, and in our peacekeeping missions and in our country as well. I once again thank Ambassador Hill on this truly great donation and I expect that we will continue such good and successful cooperation in the future – Minister Stefanović concluded.
Ambassador Hill thanked Minister Stefanović for the opportunity to visit that first rate military medical institution and to attend an event that signifies the development of the cooperation.
- I believe that it is important that every parent who sends his son or daughter to serve in armed forces should know that their child will have the best possible care, and that really is the case here in Serbia. This is not merely the matter of cooperation and technical equipping, but of the capability of Serbia to use such equipment, benefiting from its proper functioning. I look forward to the continuation of our armed forces with the Serbian Armed Forces at all levels, and though we have many generals, I would say that the “General Electric” is responsible for this one – Ambassador Hill stated.
He stated that he looks forward to the future cooperation adding that he will try to see what more can be done, and he expressed particular gratitude for today’s opportunity to meet the representatives of the military healthcare system.
During the presentation of the medical equipment, Commander of the temporary military hospital “Karaburma” Colonel Ivo Udovičić MD explained its significance and briefed about the course of infrastructural works that had been previously carried out.
The ceremony was attended by Head of the Military Health Department Brigadier General Radivoje Anđelković, Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Miroslav Vukosavlјević, Head of the Private Office of the Minister of Defence Colonel Stevan Kotarlić, Head of the Department for International Military Cooperation Colonel Nebojša Svjetlica, US Defence Attaché in Belgrade Colonel Corey Shea and representatives of the US Office for Defence Cooperation.
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