Training for Soldiers Serving Military Service in Telecommunications Service
Units of Signal Brigade are conducting collective training for solders serving military service of “December 2021” intake for specialities of Telecommunications Service in the Serbian Armed Forces. In this unit, the soldiers are trained to execute collective tasks in signal units and the duties of radio-teletypewriter operators, roles of radio-telephone operators and radio-relay communications.

The training is conducted in specially equipped seminar rooms, which provide conditions for practical work on modern devices and systems, and also in the field, where the focus is placed on practicing actions and procedures while placing telecommunication stations and testing the quality of established communication with planned radio-networks.
During the training, the soldiers have demonstrated a high level of motivation, and a great number of them expressed their wish to start their career in the Serbian Armed Forces as professional soldiers, once they have finished their voluntary military service. Those who decide to start their career in the Signal Brigade will perform responsible duties of ensuring uninterrupted operation of the telecommunication and information system in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.