Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Serbia is proud of its brave ancestors

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD reminded that on this day in 1929 died one of the greatest sons of Serbian military history General Stepa Stepanović, who has remained a role model to Serbian soldiers until this very day.

- He was one of the strongest pillars and a symbol of the brightest victories in Serbian history. Wise, brave, stout and resolute. A strategist and comrade-in-arms. A hero. A true war leader, whose name should never be forgotten, and whose deed should always be remembered. Though a man of impressive military skills and commanding capabilities, he remained modest, a patriot who loved his people and Serbia above anything else – wrote Minister Stefanović on his Facebook account.
The minister also reminded of Stepa Stepanović’s words “I came from the people, and it made me what I am, I have to bow to its will and serve it till my last breath”.
- Serbia is proud of its brave ancestors who dedicated their entire lives to the fight for freedom. The honourable war leaders are the best role models for Serbian soldiers today because of their honour, wise leadership and love for the fatherland, and that is something that we are proud of!” – Minister Stefanović wrote.