Century of Existence and Work of “Teleoptik Žiroskopi” Company
On the occasion of the centenary of the existence and work of the company “Teleoptik Žiroskopi”, the Ministry of Defence awarded a plaque to that company, which was presented at today’s ceremony to Acting Director Zoran Jarić by Assistant Minister of Defence Nenad Miloradović PhD.

Its first success was recorded in the production of optical and precise mechanical instruments, while the first breakthrough on the national market took place with the development of air traffic. An intensive progress of aviation was directly conditioned by the progress made by national aviation industry when in just five years after its establishment the production of aviation instruments and devices was initiated – revolution counters, manometers, speedometers and many other.
Concurrently with the production of instruments, the factory initiated its educational mission, educating qualified cadre that it lacked for precision mechanical craft.
Successful business encouraged the thinking about changing the name of the company when in 1937 it appeared on the market under the name “Teleoptik”.
When the Second World War ended, “Teleoptik” was placed under military control, and it was nationalised in 1946. The assortment was expanded with the production of tools for diverse complex technological processes, mostly for the requirements of military industry and Yugoslav People’s Army.

In that very same period, it reached its business peak when then state recognised the significance and need for the production of new systems of arms, and “Teleoptik” produced key components for anti-armour and anti-aircraft missiles that were state-of-the-art at that time.
“Teleoptik” strongly influenced the development of Zemun in post-war years. It expanded its production plants, employed a great number of workers and educated experts.
In the period ensuing after the 90s, due to overall crisis, the company went through difficult and challenging times which left serious consequences.
A turning point in the modern history of the company was an investment made in 2017, when the Government of the Republic of Serbia allocated resources in the amount of 6.8 million euros which enabled the modernisation of the production plants and laboratories.
Owing to the said investment, “Teleoptik-Žiroskopi” now possesses modern machines and technological processes. The most significant change that has arisen from that modernisation is the shift from the programme of classical optics to optoelectronics and new technologies, and from previously exclusively production oriented company to a company that has established its own research and development capacities in order to expand its production programme and support current requirements for the modernisation of the Serbian Armed Forces in the field of the-state-of-the-art technologies of guidance, operation, computers, self-guidance heads, monitors, avionics, fire management systems, sensorics.

For the needs of national and foreign markets, it produces sighting devices for mortars, silencers, control and guidance segments with self-guidance heads of guided missiles and a range of other electronic and optoelectronic components.
Owing to the support provided by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence, which recognised the significance of this company for further enhancement of capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces in high-technology areas that are dictated by the conditions of contemporary theatres, and owing to the efforts of the very company, “Teleoptik” is reclaiming the positions that it occupied during the most successful period of its business, as a globally recognised centre for the most sophisticated technologies without which one cannot imagine the arms of the latest generation.