Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ceremony in observance of Serbian Armed Forces Day

A ceremony in observance of the Serbian Armed Forces Day has been held at the Guards Club in Topčider tonight. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, said that being a soldier has always been considered a special honour and the greatest pride among our people. He pointed out that the Armed Forces were and remain an institution that lives and breathes with its people, keeps alive the tradition and centuries-long bond, and does its best to plan for the future.
  The ceremony commemorating April 23, the Serbian Armed Forces Day, was attended by the designee of the President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Suzana Paunović, National Assembly Speaker Ivica Dačić, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, Serbian government ministers, representatives of the City of Belgrade and religious communities, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, veterans, and numerous public figures.
Minister Stefanović addressed the audience saying that Serbia is a country of brave, proud and resolute people who never give up, who know how to rejoice and grieve, who have been able to cultivate unity and harmony throughout the centuries, who protect their hearth and home.
  – Serbia is a country of great heroes, a country of winners, those who have never bowed their heads before the enemy, but went forward to victory, in the name of freedom and honour of the homeland. Those heroes are with us tonight. It is the Serbian Armed Forces – an army of heroes whose hearts beat for the fatherland, for mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, sons and daughters - but, above all, an army of proud soldiers who have devoted their lives to Serbia. Some of them are not here tonight - when it is raining, when it is cold and when it is snowing, it is just another day for them, just another moment in life that they have dedicated to their country. For them, only the oath of allegiance to the fatherland exists, an oath inscribed on their hearts that is more important than anything. There is no more sacred thing than that, and no greater obligation. That is why being a soldier has always been considered a special honour and the greatest pride among our people - said Stefanović.
Inviting the audience to greet members of the Serbian Armed Forces with a round of applause, the Minister thanked the soldiers for everything they do for our people and Serbia.
- There is a lot of symbolism in April 23, 1815, and there are a lot of details that speak of the very essence of the Serbian army, which was the same two centuries ago, as it is today. Originally derived from the people, it has remained inextricably linked to them to this day. Taking up arms to fight for freedom, Serbian peasants became soldiers on that Palm Sunday in 1815, and thus the first standing army was formed more than two centuries ago. That Palm Sunday is a turning point in history that led to the creation of a modern Serbian state, set off the modernization of our society, and the army was one of the first institutions created. To this day, the army has remained an institution that lives and breathes with its people, keeps alive the tradition and centuries-long bond, and does its best to plan for the future. Ever since, the Serbian soldier has known, felt, and served his people best. That is where the greatness of the Serbian soldier lies. It is undeniably true that this strong bond between the military and the people, which has never weakened, on the contrary, it has grown stronger over the centuries, decades, years and days. It has grown stronger with every battle, with every sacrifice, with every heroic deed - said the Minister of Defence.
  Stefanović quoted Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović, "Soldier! You are the backbone of a strong Serbian state. You must be the pride of your contemporaries and the security of your descendants. Your first name is fearlessness, and your surname is chivalry", adding that the Serbian soldier understood those words and adhered to them, same as today.

– Although they are modest by nature, we can say that they have brought honour to their homeland. They have fought for their country, they have been the backbone of Serbia. Our country’s journey has never been without challenges, so our battles have never been easy either. They have changed throughout history, they have been fought in war and peace, they have been fought with weapons, but also with knowledge, construction, diplomacy, new projects. They have been fought on many different fronts and in different ways and they are still fought today. But our soldiers and their fearless hearts that beat for the one homeland and whose all battles are dedicated to their homeland have always been at the core of all the battles - said Stefanović.
  According to the Minister, this is the answer to many who threaten Serbia, saying that it is arming itself.

– Yes, Serbia is arming itself. But solely to protect what belongs to it. As always. It does not threaten anyone, it does not ask for anything from anyone. But it won’t let anyone have what belongs to it. And that is why we will continue to invest in our armed forces and our soldiers with a clear conscience, with great support of the President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić. We want to have the strongest military in the region, because we want to continue to live in peace and stability on our own territory, forever proud of our armed forces and our soldiers. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - said Stefanović at the end of his address.
  A film presenting the work results of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces was shown at tonight's ceremony.
The guests attending the ceremony at the Guards Club had the opportunity to enjoy the musical performance of the Ministry of Defence "Stanislav Binički" Art Ensemble and Choir, which performed the anthem of the Republic of Serbia "God of Justice". They also enjoyed the songs performed by opera singer Vojislav Spasić and soloist Dušan Svilar.
The program also featured actors Miloš Krstović, Aleksandar Mihailović, Avram Cvetković, Vladimir Jocović, Marko Čupić, Nebojša Pribićević, and actress Natalija Jović.
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The ceremony
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Minister Stefanovic: Thank you for everything you do for our people, for Serbia.
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Minister Stefanovic: There is a great symbolism in April 23 1815, which speaks of the essence of the Serbian army.
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Minister Stefanović: Our Armed Forces do not threaten anyone