Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Kurti hovers over the conflict in Ukraine like a vulture

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:

“No one takes seriously Albin Kurti’s statements about some military threat coming from Serbia any more, but he doesn’t give up. He hovers over the conflict in Ukraine like a vulture, seeing that as an opportunity to sneak into NATO through the back door, jumping the queue. However, after being flatly rejected, he goes back to his laments over Serbia's military power causing fear.
  The situation is quite the opposite. Albin Kurti and his people in Pristina are the greatest security threat in the region. They are involved in illegal arming of their compatriots and the militarization of Kosovo and Metohija, violating all agreements regulating the military presence in the province and saying that KFOR is the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo.

Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are the only people in the region whose fear for security is justified, because they are exposed to constant armed pressure from Pristina's security forces, which are constantly being reinforced, violating all valid agreements.

Albin Kurti is the last person to have the right to talk about the arming of the Serbian Armed Forces and about their capabilities. Perhaps he fears that Serbia is capable of destroying his air force and successfully repelling his missile attacks? Kurti needs to know that he is not authorized and that he has no right to deal with military and security issues, which fall exclusively within the competence of KFOR, with which the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian Ministry of Defence have excellent cooperation.

As for the defence capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, there is no reason for anyone in the region who has good, benevolent intentions towards Serbia to worry about them. The Serbian Armed Forces are a reliable and well-equipped system that guarantees security to all our citizens and does not pose a threat to anyone. Their only task is to protect our sovereignty and make sure that all our citizens sleep peacefully, not worrying about any potential threat that may arise. Thanks to our stable economic and political situation and thanks to continuous modernization of our Armed Forces and our defence system, which President Vučić has particularly insisted on in recent years, the Serbian Armed Forces are a reliable and respectable factor that sustains peace. There are many, Albin Kurti in particular, who do not want to see such a Serbia, they want it to be weak and subject to pressure, but to their regret, those times are long gone."