Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Tactical CIMIC course

A five-day tactical course in civil-military cooperation for Serbian Armed Force officers and non-commissioned officers, organized by the Civil-Military Cooperation Section (J-9), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, is underway at the “South” base and “Borovac” range.   
The course aims to train members of the Serbian Armed Forces for carrying out functional tasks falling within the remit of civil-military cooperation teams in peacekeeping operations and to offer them a better insight into cooperation with civil society organizations in an international environment.
During the theoretical part of the course, attendees were introduced to the basics of civil-military cooperation at home and abroad, the competencies of international governmental and non-governmental organizations that provide assistance to vulnerable populations and the experiences of the Serbian Armed Forces CIMIC officers. The programme also includes a practical part at the "Borovac" range, where officers and non-commissioned officers enact various tactical scenarios and practice standard working procedures for civil-military cooperation teams.
The course participants will apply the newly-acquired knowledge in their daily work as civil-military cooperation officers in the Serbian Armed Forces and when deployed to peacekeeping operations.