Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović finishes visit to Serbian peacekeepers in Lebanon

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, who has finished his visit to members of the Serbian Armed Forces participating in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, said that in the conversation with the mission leadership, he heard nothing but praise for Serbian soldiers, he heard that they were dedicated, exceptionally well trained and professional, but he emphasized that their unity and standing together was particularly important to him.
  “I tried to see in a short time what life was like for our soldiers in four UNIFIL bases in Lebanon," said Minister Stefanović. He is proud that our boys and girls represent Serbia in a dignified manner and contribute to building up Serbia’s reputation in the world.
During the visit, the Minister talked to members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are participating in UNIFIL, one of the largest United Nations missions with more than 10,000 soldiers from 46 countries. It currently has 177 members of the Serbian Armed Forces, the majority of whom are members of the infantry company in Sector East and the force protection platoon in Sector West. Besides them, Minister Stefanović also visited Serbian officers serving as staff officers in the Mission’s Headquarters in Naqoura, in the Sector East Headquarters and the Spanish Battalion Headquarters.
  The Minister also met with the mission leadership – UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz, Sector East Commander, Brigadier General Ramón Armada Vázquez, Sector West Commander Brigadier General Massimiliano Stecca, and the Italian Battalion Commander, Claudio Guaschino.
mp4 (137,9 MB)