Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović meets with Head of EU Delegation Giaufret

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, met today with the Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret.

Minister Stefanović and Ambassador Giaufret discussed issues concerning regional security, international relations and cooperation on the EU Common Security and Defence Policy.
Stefanović said that regional cooperation, as a prerequisite for European integration, is one of Serbia’s foreign policy priorities. He pointed out that Serbia is a responsible and credible partner that will remain neutral, in accordance with its clear political commitment, and at the same time stay open for cooperation and ready to form partnerships with all countries and international organizations.

The Ministry of Defence, Stefanović said, is constantly working to improve and increase the quality of international relations in the field of defence, in accordance with its national interests and foreign policy priorities.  
The Minister also said that the contributions of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces to the EU Common Security and Defence Policy is reflected in the participation of the Serbian Armed Forces in EU military missions and crisis management operations, EU Battlegroups Concept, cooperation with the European Defence Agency and participation in its projects.

Ambassador Giaufret emphasized the importance of stability in the region and support for the integration of Serbia and all Western Balkans countries with the European Union. He thanked Serbia for its contribution to EU multinational operations, noting that he had recently had the opportunity to attend a send-off ceremony for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces team deploying to EUTM Somalia.  
According to Ambassador Giaufret, there is room for further improvement in cooperation and development of closer relations between EU member states and Serbia.
He also highlighted EU's willingness to strengthen cooperation with Serbia in the fields of security and safety. Ambassador Giaufret said that Russia's unjustified and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine undermines European and global security and safety. The European Union has risen to the challenge and is counting on Serbia to defend peace and a rules-based international order.
mp4 (55,8 MB)
The meeting