A writer among future officers
In addition to excellent education and an opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills, the Military Grammar School and the Secondary Vocational Military School provide their students with an opportunity to develop and make the most of their talents.
- The story is my cry, that is, the cry of all the children in the world, children who pray for a better tomorrow. Because, when a child is drawn into this game played by mankind, it is difficult for them to make up for what they had lost and a million unfinished fairy tales and broken hearts of crying mothers are left behind - she said, adding that it had taken her three months to write the story.
She says that she is proud of the book, which she considers a great success. After “Sun”, she says, she is planning to publish a collection of short stories and poems. Neda explains that, despite numerous daily tasks, she has enough time to devote herself to her passion - writing. This does not affect her grades, or her free time.
- Time is allotted for different activities here. We have learning time when I manage to do all my homework. That's enough time. In addition to these tasks and being on duty, everything can be coordinated. If we study regularly, at weekends, we are completely free. I manage to go out like any other child and hang out with friends - she said.
Neda states unequivocally that adapting to the boarding school was not a problem for her, and adds that there are no obstacles to living normally. She does not hide her wish to attend the Military Academy after finishing the Military Grammar School. Although she has many interests, she sees herself as a student at the Military Medical Academy’s Medical Faculty. However, she does not rule out the possibility of choosing something else.
- I see myself there. I also like the CBRN defence. I’ve had that desire since I was a child and it is still in my head - she explained.
- I wanted to get stronger. That was my wish from an early age. I love my country and I want to have an honourable job. I am glad that I will stay in Serbia and not go abroad, because we still need to develop our country and invest in it - says the girl from Mokrin.
She says that she is the first person in her family who decided to pursue a military career.
- My dad liked the idea a lot, but he and mom took it very hard when I left home, because they were used to us being together all the time. Everyone was pleasantly surprised and proud of me, because I was the best student in my elementary school. They never said that it was not for me, because they knew that whatever I started to do, I never gave up and I always ended up as a winner - says Ned
She points out that the Military Grammar School provides students with all-round education, enabling them to improve and broaden their knowledge, but also build a personality and become stronger.
- Military Grammar School offers many courses, clubs, and classes in subjects that are of special interest to us. Everything has been provided for us - she points out, saying that being in the military is an honour.
Boys and girls who would like to follow in the footsteps of Neda Ibrajter, can find further information about the competition for admission into military schools at the following link: https://www.mod.gov.rs/cir/konkursi-za-upis -in-military-schoolcontent_one_competitions.