Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Serbian Armed Forces units

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, conducted an area reconnaissance today in the Ground Safety Zone and visited the 98th Air Brigade units at the “Morava“ airport near Kraljevo.  The reconnaissance was conducted using a Serbian Armed Forces helicopter, in light of recent events along the administrative boundary with Kosovo and Metohija, with a focus on the Tabalije, Brnjak and Jarinje administrative crossing points.

The reconnaissance provided the Chief of the General Staff with an insight into the situation in the Serbian Armed Forces deployment areas of ​​Kuršumlija, Raška and Novi Pazar. He concluded that all key conditions have been met for continuous execution of tasks of securing the administrative boundary with Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Safety Zone.  General Mojsilović, then, visited a part of the 98th Air Brigade units at the “Morava” airport and inspected the organisation of life and work, the situation, and operational and functional capabilities in this Air Force and Air Defence unit.