Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Remarks by Schwarz-Schilling and Inzko to European Commission are complete insolence

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:

“Schillining and Inzko’s remarks to the European Commission and NATO are completely unbelievable and downright rude, because they are responsible for most of the problems that Bosnia and Herzegovina is faced with today. They are the ones whose bad moves led to the creation of problems, and they did nothing to resolve them.  In the last ten years, the Republic of Serbia and President Vučić have been a shining example of responsible behaviour and good statesmanship not only in our region, but beyond, not interfering in the internal affairs of neighbouring countries and fully supporting their progress with the aim of ensuring stability and peace in the region, even when exposed to daily provocations and attacks, and even when there was an attempt to endanger President Vučić’s life during his visit to Srebrenica.

Although it is the strongest country in the region in economic terms, at no time has Serbia tried to challenge the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina in any way. Quite the opposite, investing in both entities, it has sought to provide assistance to their education, health, economy and overall development. President Vučić has sent numerous messages clearly stating that Serbia is a friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that, regardless of our close ties with Republika Srpska and Serbian people living there, we do not want to harm Bosnia and Herzegovina in any way, but on the contrary, we give it full support in its progress towards the European Union, where we believe it belongs, but also in its further economic strengthening.
As for the behaviour of others, although Inzko, Schilling and others pretend not to see constant provocations coming from Sarajevo and all malicious comments against Serbia, even at the time when our country provided humanitarian assistance, offering free Covid vaccines when they were nowhere to be found, and an attempt to lynch President Vučić in Srebrenica, for which no one has ever answered. But obviously, for some, Serbia must forever be viewed as a bad guy that threatens the Balkans.

However, the truth is that Serbia is a factor of stability, which has been confirmed by numerous international entities. Moreover, Serbia and President Vučić are often asked to help stabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Republic of Serbia and President Vučić remain committed to the path of peace and economic strengthening. We want the entire Western Balkans region to be part of the European Union in the near future, to get stronger, get better institutions and provide a better life for its people through the European integration process.
It is a shame that people who used to be in high, responsible and well-paid positions, and whose job was to build peace, not tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, should treat the Republic of Serbia and its president in this way today. Vučić was and still is Bosnia and Herzegovina’s partner and a reliable neighbour, who wishes well to our and their country and who only wants peace, stability and security for all of us."