Session of Political Council responsible for implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security
Assistant Minister for Human Resources Katarina Tomašević has chaired a session of the Political Council responsible for carrying out the National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security. The session was held today in the Government of Serbia.
Representatives of all government institutions involved in the work of this Council agree that it is necessary to complete the analysis of effects and evaluation of this document as soon as possible and initiate procedures for drafting the third National Action Plan, which would be in line with relevant international and national regulations, especially with the Law on Gender Equality and the 2021-2030 Gender Equality Strategy, which were adopted last year.

It was agreed at the session that it was necessary to include all interested parties in the process of drafting the third NAP, especially international partners and civil society organizations, which had been involved in this process in the previous period.