Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ministar Stefanović attends Military Intelligence Agency’s annual work analysis

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended today the 2021 Military Intelligence Agency work analysis. The Agency’s most significant work results and innovations were presented to the Minister by the Director of the Military Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General Zoran Stojković and his associates.
After the briefing, Minister Stefanović said that the Agency fulfilled the expectations of the state and military leadership and that it was a pillar of the security and intelligence system of the Republic of Serbia in 2021.

- The global security scene is extremely unpredictable and it requires that all aspects of a particular phenomenon or event be quickly looked into, since they can turn into serious threats in a very short time. The past year was marked by the pandemic and new dynamics in relations between the great powers, which the Agency reported on in a timely and comprehensive manner. This has enabled us to make sensible decisions in accordance with our own interests, given our country’s neutral status.
He highly appreciates the commitment and motivation of the Military Intelligence Agency personnel, who have managed to fulfil all their tasks, despite the challenges arising from the pandemic.

- The information and analyses provided by the Agency have lent considerable support to the Serbian Armed Forces in carrying out their tasks, especially in peacekeeping operations. They also helped us feel the pulse of the immediate and more distant environment and see important trends in the security field - Minister Stefanović emphasized.

The Minister also expects reliable information from the Military Intelligence Agency in the coming period on current risks, threats and important processes related to global and regional security.  On this occasion, the director of the Military Intelligence Agency, General Stojković, presented Minister Stefanović with a statue of the first Serbian military attaché, Major Konstantin Koka Milovanović.

The briefing was also attended by the Acting Inspector General of Security Services in the Ministry of Defence Slavoljub Dabic.
mp4 (56,52 MB)
The briefing