Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

New issue of "ОDBRANA"

We have prepared a lot of interesting topics for the February issue of Odbrana magazine.

The presentation of the 2021 review of the situation, operational and functional capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces has confirmed that the Serbian Armed Forces are ready and capable to respond to all challenges. At the beginning of January, the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić attended the demonstration of capabilities of part of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade at the “Rastko Nemanjić” barracks in Pančevo, where he confirmed that more new weapons and equipment would be procured for SAF units and that the government would take care of the standard of living of enlisted personnel. In terms of international military cooperation, the month behind us was certainly marked by an important meeting between Minister Nebojša Stefanović and the UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace.
In addition to these topics, the In Focus section offers a breakdown of the activities in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in the month preceding the new issue of Your magazine.  As the Statehood Day approaches, Odbrana’s editor-in-chief Dragana Marković has talked to academician Ljubodrag Dimić, who states that Serbs undoubtedly demonstrated patriotism, love of freedom, national enthusiasm, and the readiness to resist the invaders, and that "with the passage of time we are able to see more clearly the mistakes made and the price paid and weigh the reasons that influenced history to take a different path than desired”.
This year, 162 cadets will enrol in seven basic degree programs at the Military Academy, 25 students will be admitted to the Military Medical Academy's Medical Faculty, there are 80 school places in the Military Grammar School and 70 in the Military Vocational Secondary School. The text entitled "A step towards an honourable and responsible profession" in the STANDING POINT section provides details about enrolment in these military educational institutions. Read about the advantages of  military profession, the selection criteria and programs of study available to potential candidates.
Training in the Serbian Armed Forces is an ongoing process. Acquiring new knowledge, training for all kinds of challenges, mastering skills and learning about procedures are everyday practices in SAF units. After the basic training, soldiers performing voluntary military service (Class of September) have undergone specialist training in SAF units over the past month, and active duty members have conducted all planned elements of training and are ready for new challenges in the process of continuous enhancement of operational capabilities. The SPECIAL section offers details, along with captivating photos taken by our magazine photographers, showing how much attention is devoted to training in the Serbian Armed Foces. In the SYSTEM section, you can learn the details about the training for military volunteers in the 63rd Parachute Brigade and Mixed Artillery Brigade, but also about the Public Relation Department's Media Centre “Odbrana“ Day, and the prestigious "Ivan Marković" Journalist Award that was awarded on this occasion, as well as awards to the most deserving contributors.
The SYSTEM section also contains a text about the setting up of pontoon bridges on the Sava and Danube rivers and their maintenance, which has a long tradition in the Serbian pontooneer units, and there is also a story dedicated to the Strategic Research Institute and the Military Archive on the occasion of their anniversaries.
In the ARSENAL section, you can learn about the characteristics of the new Serbian most sophisticated and state-of-the-art "Lazanski" armoured vehicle, in the article written by an acknowledged expert, General Milosav Đorđević (retd). This section also contains an interesting text by Milan Komar about the naval scene, which has been dealing with submarines for the past few months. The reason is the newly signed AUKUS Pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, aimed against China's growing influence on developments in the Indo-Pacific region.
The GLOBAL (HOTSPOTS) section contains a text by Branislav Milosavljević, the most successful contributor to the "Odbrana" magazine in the past year, about the prospects of mass protests in Kazakhstan, which marked the beginning of the year. In the same section, under the headline VIEWS, Milan Igrutinović, a research associate at the Institute for European Studies, writes about the EU’s aspirations for strategic autonomy. The same thematic framework brings the second part of the text entitled "From Covid to post-Covid", which grabbed your attention in the previous issue.
The February issue closes with the HISTORY section, which contains a text by Igor Gojković about General Pavle Jurišić Šturm, on the occasion of the centenary of the death of that "German with the soul of a Serb".
There are many reasons for you to get a copy of the February issue of Odbrana on time.