Training for Dog Handlers and Service Dogs in Finding Mine-Explosive Devices
The Dog Training Centre of the Serbian Armed Forces in Niš is carrying out the final phase of six months long training for dog handlers and service dog training to detect mines and explosive devices.

The attenders of the training held in the barracks “Knjaz Mihajlo” are non-commissioned officers trained for the duty of service dog handlers in special and military police units, who will be engaged on the tasks of anti-sabotage protection, while the dog training is carried out for selected search dogs bred in the Centre specifically for this use.
The handlers together with the service dogs practice the conduct of anti-sabotage checks and search of facilities and movable assets, and the focus is placed on sharpening and directing the service dogs’ sense of smell for the purpose of efficient identification of traces and finding hidden or discarded explosive devices. Before this phase, they underwent basic training to gain mutual confidence and enable full control and efficient guidance of a dog by a handler during the execution of tasks.

This is one of the most complex and demanding forms of training conducted in the Centre, and with its successful realisation, the Serbian Armed Forces obtain handlers and service dogs trained for the tasks of anti-sabotage protection of protected persons, facilities and movable assets, and for all other tasks in counter-terrorist operations where trained search dogs can be used.