Handover of Keys to Flats for Security Forces in Novi Sad
Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD attended the handover of keys to newly built flats in residential area Jugovićevo in Novi Sad to members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and other security forces, as well as the families of soldiers killed in action. Minister Stefanović stated that in the days to come 140 members of defence system will move to three new buildings constructed in this neighbourhood of Novi Sad.

“I wholeheartedly congratulate all these people who are starting from today their own men in their own homes, and who deserved their roof above their heads owing to their hard work, dedication and love for their Serbia. Thank you for standing fearlessly in defence of Serbia! This is just another way to repay you for everything that you have been doing for our fatherland”, wrote Minister Stefanović on his Instagram profile (@nebojsastefanovic).
Today, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić officially handed over the keys of the first 25 flats to members of security forces and families of servicemen killed in action, tomorrow, however, starts the handover of remaining 413 flats built in the first B phase in the same residential area.

- I remember that President Aleksandar Vučić started this project, on his own initiative in the end of 2017, when he gathered us all at a meeting, and as early as December 2017 we had the first meeting with the mayors of these seven towns in order to define the further dynamics. Then, in 2018, we adopted a lex specialis for the construction of these flats and we initiated the construction. I also remember that this was a meadow when we laid the foundation stone here in Novi Sad, and that there was nothing here, however, today we have a beautiful residential area, which does not represent a mere dormitory, but a planned area with playgrounds, sports terrains, and soon enough a primary school and a kindergarten will be constructed. As you see, we really carefully thought about the ways to create here nice and good quality life for you and your families. Hence, we are fulfilling our promises and we will continue doing it – the prime minister sent the message, announcing upcoming handover of flats in Sremska Mitrovica.
Major Zoran Lukovac from Air Force and Air Defence Command was among those who have received the keys to their new flats today.
- Through the state housebuilding project and in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence, I have managed to provide a flat of 50 square metres for me and my family in which we will live. I would like to thank the state for having recognised the problem that professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence have been having for very long time – Major Lukovac stressed adding that it was an important day for him because his family got the roof above their heads.

Today’s key handover was attended by President of the Province Government Igor Mirović, Minister of Justice Maja Popović, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović, Director of SIA Bratislav Gašić and Major of Novi Sad Miloš Vučević.