Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Celebration of Air Force and Air Defence Day

Today, at the celebration of the Air Force and Air Defence Day, held at the Air Force Club in Zemun, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, said that next year Serbian units will receive more new equipment and salaries will continue to increase for the Serbian Armed Forces personnel.  - The Air Force and Air Defence have always been something that all soldiers have aspired to, something prestigious in our society. And in the most difficult times, you played the most important role for the defence of the sovereignty of our country. I want to congratulate you on this great anniversary - said Minister Stefanović.

Referring to the oath of enlistment ceremony that he attended in Valjevo today, Minister Stefanović said that he is proud to hear military volunteers and civilians who will become the Air Force and Air Defence non-commissioned officers saying "Long live Serbia" at the top of their voices, to see how committed they are and how eager to join the SAF units.

- I have talked to most of them. Nearly all of them have already decided to continue their careers as professional soldiers, and that made me swell with pride. Some of them will join your units in five and a half months. I was glad to hear from General Žarković that the previous class, who came from civilian life, has fulfilled expectations and, of course, I am glad that we are strengthening - said the Minister of Defence.  He adds that personnel are the AF and AD’s most valuable asset.

- The most valuable asset of this service branch and the armed forces in general, are the people, and we have to put in a great deal of effort to attract more people. Generals Mojsilović and Žarković know that, and I know that they are working on it day and night, and that is something I will constantly work on. Pilots are also important to us, Air Defence personnel is important to us, trained, educated people are important to us. Serbia was one of the first 15 countries in the world to have the Air Force in its army, but today we must think about what they will write about us in a hundred years’ time, what they will say about this generation - Minister Stefanović said.

This generation, emphasizes Minister Stefanović, needs to think about the next steps that are important for our future.

- Is it the drones, is it the integration of all systems, is it the approach lighting system at airports? Will we integrate new radar systems, will we be able to have the images from drones, planes and radars in one place, will we be able to use all that before everyone else? That is the job that awaits us - announced Minister Stefanović.

Minister Stefanović thanked the active duty and retired members of the Air Force and Air Defence for everything they had done for the armed forces and for loving their profession.  - I have the good fortune to talk to the Air Force and Air Defence members, and I can see how much they love their profession, which is much more than just a job, it is something they have dedicated their lives to. That is why I must congratulate you on this anniversary. I hope that next year we will have the opportunity to see the new equipment in our units and that we will all be proud of it. We continue to increase service members’ incomes. That is my task as the minister, and thanks to the support I have from the President and the Government, I really want to restore our armed forces to their original splendour and I believe that we will succeed. I want our service members to feel proud, and I want everyone to look at them with pride and see them for who they really are - the elite of our society. I wish you and your families all the best. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and may we never again face such huge challenges as we did in our recent past, and before that, and may we always be ready to defend our country - said the Minister of Defence.
The Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, told the audience that the formation of the Air Command of the Serbian Army headquartered in Niš, which took place on this day back in 1912, was the beginning of the Air Force and Air Defence, and placed Serbia among the first 15 countries in the world to introduce the air force into its armed forces.

Summarizing this year's results, General Žarković said that the continuous task of controlling and protecting the sovereignty of Serbia’s airspace has been completely fulfilled.  - Teams and command centres, radar crews, on-duty fighter crews and air defence combat crews, search and rescue teams, as well as support forces, guard our sky 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even at this moment as we celebrate the holiday - the Air Force and Air Defence Commander  emphasized, adding that the development and growth of the Air Force and Air Defence will continue, as evidenced by the decisions of the state and military leadership to create conditions that will allow us to adequately respond to the challenges of our time.

In memory of the period when a large amount of aircraft and equipment was provided for the Air Force and Air Defence, such as fighters and trainer aircraft, utility helicopters, remotely piloted aircraft and air defence artillery and missile systems, and when four overhauled and some of the modernized MiG-29 aircraft were put into operational use, the AF and AD Commander, Lieutenant General Duško Žarković presented a model MiG-29 to the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović. In recognition of excellent cooperation with the civil-military airports where the AF and AD units are based, General Žarković also presented the Air Force and Air Defence Plaque to the CEO of the "Airports of Serbia" Public Enterprise, Mihailo Zdravković.

A retrospective film was shown at the ceremony, and the MoD’s "Stanislav Binički" Artistic Ensemble, the MoD and SAF’s Mixed Choir, Radoš Bajić, Hadži Nikola Mijović, Zorana Pavić, Svetlana Vujić and Nataša Aranđelović performed.

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The celebration
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Minister Stefanovic's address
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General Zarkovic's address