Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: The riots in Tirana will not stop the formation of a new Balkans

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:  
“The Anti-Serb riots in Tirana were organized by those who want our region back in the era of wars, hatred and concrete borders and bunkers. The Serbian flag was set on fire by the followers of the long-defeated policies of Sali Berisha, and all the others in the region who cannot come to terms with the fact that a new Balkans is being born today, a Balkans of peace, open arms and cooperation. 

President Vučić's visit to Albania and his talks with Edi Rama and Zoran Zaev are another step towards peace and cooperation in our region and it is the only policy that can lead to the future. Those who took to the streets in Tirana, rioted and set the Serbian flag on fire, have a problem with Aleksandar Vučić, but they have an even bigger problem with his policy, which puts an end to the Balkans as an area of conflicts and hatred and gives room to cooperation and all the freedoms we are entitled to as part of Europe.  

The Open Balkans is President Vučić’s initiative that cannot be stopped by hooligans from downtown Tirana and their leaders who live in the dark past and cannot let go of it. Those are powerless outbursts of hatred towards their neighbors, as opposed to the great desire of Serbs, Albanians and Macedonians to settle the differences that separate them. The time of Berisha, his hooligans and the people living in the dark past is long gone; the new history of the Balkans is being created despite their anger and riots. This new history will be characterized by cooperation, greater trade, tourism, travel, employment and investment. The vast majority of people living in this area want such Balkans, and it will become our reality.
President Vučić’s main policy and message is peace, because he knows very well that without peace we cannot achieve any goals. He went to Tirana with that policy and message in mind, and people who do not want to understand that, because they are unable to cope with peace and cooperation, rose up against him and against the Serbia he leads. The Balkans is finally turning its back on the conflicts and is moving into a new era of peace and prosperity."