Reaction of Bojana Jelovac, Media Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović
“In last evening’s TV debate “Word against Word” on the RTS, using facts and arguments, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović utterly defeated the candidates of the former government.
Hence, at the public service, in a live broadcasted programme, and witnessed by entire Serbia, notwithstanding the entire array of individuals who alternately attack Minister Stefanović on media controlled by Dragan Đilas, the result of the last night’s debate remains the same.
It is not as if the mentioned candidates did not try their best to defend the indefensible, but it is the fact that they did not have, nor could they have a single argument to refute something that is an undeniable fact. There is no demagogy that could hide the reality that the previous regime systematically devastated and disarmed the Serbian Armed Forces, discharged Serbian soldiers and tried in every manner possible to humiliate them and deprive of their rights, and even boasted of it at the time.
It is the same with the text published on the portal “Nova.rs”. Since they are still unable to refute the truth that members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces have received their third salary increase in this year alone, and that the Serbian Armed Forces are so well equipped that they are evaluated as one of the strongest military powers in the region, the true authors of those lines have resorted to their shameless abuses and manipulations of tragedies. But that is too tasteless to debate.”