Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović at Meeting of Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD participated at the meeting of members of the Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative (CEDC) and representatives of the Western Balkans region. The meeting was held by means of video conference link, and it was dedicated to the talks on prospects of the Western Balkans joining the European Union.

On that occasion, Minister Stefanović stated that, for the Western Balkan states and the very EU, the enlargement of the European Union represented a strategic investment in peace, democracy, prosperity, security and stability in the area of entire Europe.

He underlined the importance of such meetings which are an opportunity for them to exchange opinions on significant issues, such as the process of European integration, the influence of new initiatives of the European Union, and Covid-19 pandemic on stronger connectedness and strengthening cooperation in the region.
- The security of the Western Balkans is a common responsibility and obligation of all of us who live in these parts. In the previous period, the Republic of Serbia has confirmed its unwavering orientation towards using dialogue to contribute to strengthening all forms of cooperation with the states in the region. We will continue providing contribution to building confidence, stability, security and overall development of the region, expecting the support from not only the states of the region, but other international actors – Stefanović stated.

As he stated, in line with its foreign policy orientation to join the European Union, the Republic of Serbia has harmonised strategic documents with the EU Global Strategy thus demonstrating a strong resolve to strengthen cooperation in the field of security and defence with the European Union, along with concurrent enhancement of national security and defence.

- Serbia deploys its military and civilian capacities in missions and operations of the United Nations and European Union, thus confirming that it is a reliable partner in international relations, and, at the same time, it strengthens the interoperability of its armed forces. By signing the Administrative Arrangement with the European Defence Agency, we have additionally intensified our defence cooperation with EU states, and I would single out as the most significant element of that cooperation, the beginning of engagement in the framework of newly established Multinational Helicopter Training Centre, seated in Sintra, the Republic of Portugal, the Republic of Serbia being among its founders – Stefanović stated.

The minister welcomed the announcement of the European Union regarding the strengthening of cooperation on key security issues in order to encourage a long-term recovery and process of approximation of the Western Balkans.

- It is evident that the numerous crisis that have occurred in the previous period, such as the migrations and pandemic, have led to the reorganisation of priorities and certain refocusing on the internal plane in the very Union, which has shifted European integration of the Western Balkans to a side track and slowed it down – Stefanović explained.

Reminding that Serbia donated some half million vaccines to its neighbours, including the North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he underlined that the experiences gained in the fight against the current pandemic point out the need to strengthen the regional cooperation among Western Balkan states.
- Regardless of individual differences in the circumstances of the global threat to the existence and health of the population, it is necessary to join efforts to overcome all challenges. We firmly believe that the regional cooperation, mutual connection of the markets, and free movement of people, goods and ideas, represent the best path to the creation of an environment that is favourable for living and development of all our communities. That is why we hope that “Open Balkan” initiative will be accepted in the territory of entire Western Balkans – he underscored.

According to his evaluation, joining the solutions to enhance the relations among neighbours aimed at the development of the region, no matter if they are driven by the European Union or some of the regional states is a sign of political maturity and responsibility in relation to one own’s citizens.
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