Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Enhancement of NCO Support to Chain of Command

Today, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović held a working meeting with Chief NCOs of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff and immediately subordinated organisations and units.

The meeting was dedicated to analysing the functioning of the NCO corps of the Serbian Armed Forces and the NCO support to the chain of command, and the status, training and professional advancement of NCOs.

General Mojsilović underlined that, in the previous period, the NCO corps had made a significant contribution to the functioning of the Serbian Armed Forces, which had been primarily reflected in the improvement of stipulated standards of order, work and discipline in the units, and enhancement of individual competence of soldiers and non-commissioned officers. The general also gave guidelines for further upgrade of the organisation of NCO support.

The NCO corps consists of all non-commissioned officers of the Serbian Armed Forces with certain relations in terms of responsibility and subordination which are directed towards providing an efficient support to the chain of command.